The best party of 2020.
Are You Ready for the Best Party of 2020?
Join us for a fabulous night of food, drinks and live music. Proceeds benefit The Will Allen Foundation, The Medical Cannabis Society, and the Land Trust Foundation.
The Music
A classic rock-based genre derived from music with soul, style and groove from a diverse range of recognizable influences across the music spectrum.
The Sound
The seven-piece band ensemble includes lead guitar, rhythm guitar, bass, drums, saxophone, trumpet, synthesizer, and percussion – creating a rich, in-depth sound experience.
The Visuals
Trippy psychedelic background visuals (available when venue has projection capabilities) + we have $4k in lights and a stage if space allows.
All the cool kids will be there.
The Experience
The Pyramid Incident’s performance and song selections are designed to provide a memorable sonic experience for the audience through music that moves the soul.
- Psychedelic Sounds of the 70’s
- Motown Groove from the 60’s & 70’s
- Beloved Classic Rock
- Highly Acclaimed Originals that you actually like
- An array of synthesizer-based accompaniments
- Wind Instruments (Horns and Sax) with a rhythmic foundation of precise percussion (acoustic drums & other percussion instruments).